Just a quick update! Tom continues to do well with his treatment. The anti-nausea meds still make him uncomfortable/cramping but otherwise his energy, sleep and appetite are all good. Over halfway done with the radiation now! His race went well on Sunday and he had the best cheering section. We are so thankful for our friends that came out! Lots to be thankful for, our friend Frank came and spent time with Tom Tuesday night and brought a delicous stew! We have also been spoiled with delicious soups from Mike Bedney Jr and Kayla Barnes. Thank you all for your love and support! ❤️
Monthly Archives: October 2024
1st week done!
Tom wrapped up his first week of treatment (short week). So far energy is good but having some issues with the anti-nausea med he has to take before the chemo. Hopefully we will have that sorted out soon. He is feeling well enough to race tomorrow morning! We will be at PIR and his race starts at 9am!
First Treatment Done and Dusted
It has been weird starting this process all over again. Funny the things you remember and the stuff you don’t.
Chemo started last night so this morning was not fun. The Doctors are very concerned with nausea so I am required to take an anti nausea medication prior that causes constipation thus requiring additional meds to alleviate the constipation. Hello cramps and feeling bleh. Going to be working on a solution to that problem seeing how chemo will be continuing for a while.
Radiation was quick and the staff was nice. My mask is not as tight as last time. With only 10 visits this is going to go be done about the time we get into the rhythm of going every day.
Time for some lunch…
Treatment prep
Tom will start his radiation on Thursday paired with chemo. Chemo technically starts Wednesday night, he takes the pill before bed. Chemo will be every day for two weeks and radiation will be each weekday, so 10 days. We had a nice weekend. Got lunch with our nephew today and went out for some treats this afternoon/evening. Tom is still contemplating the cyclocross race on 10/20!
Radiation update
Just a brief update. We met with Tom’s radiation oncologist today. We liked him and he handles most of the radiation for recurrence for Providence. Tom’s scan from Friday shows that the LIT procedure was successful and likely had a complete resolution of the tumor but we all agree we should still proceed with radiation and chemo given how aggressive this tumor can be and that this is a recurrence. He will only have to do 10 days of radiation paired with chemo and then will do just chemo cycles for 9-12 months after that. He will get fitted for his radiation mask this week and start late next week or early the week after. Thanks for all your good vibes and prayers. They are appreciated!
Still waiting
We’ve been busy waiting since Tom’s surgery. Waiting for Providence to get it together and get a treatment plan together for Tom. They refused to do it without another MRI but did not have any type of priority scheduling for it. So his MRI is today and we can FINALLY meet with the radiation oncologist next week and them hopefully he will start his chemo and radiation the week after but we have no idea for how long. Tom is feeling good and anxious to exercise hard again. He should be released back to regular activity the week of the 14th as well. He wants to race on 9/20 at Coyote Run, a new course at PIR, he may have just finished his first week of treatment but wants to race anyway. We’ve also been busy living: anniversary dinner(s), planting a tree, hiking, biking slowly, dancing with Zumba celebrities, spending time with friends and a fun Pitbull concert!