Just over a year ago I was diagnosed with a Glioblastoma (GBM) one of the worst primary brain tumors you can have. As anyone with some form of cancer can tell you, receiving the news elicits a whole range of emotions. While my fiancé and I were shocked and saddened we quickly realized education was the key to dealing with this new obstacle in our lives. We threw ourselves into learning about brain tumors (and cancer in general), modern western treatments, and adjuvant care that might not be as accepted in today’s oncology departments. We quickly realized this task can be overwhelming and lead you down some dark holes.
When presented with a life altering disease many people realize research is key to finding solutions to their specific ailment. Through our research we came across the National Brain Tumor Society (NBTS) and found brain tumor research is woefully underfunded when compared to the other more well-known groups. This probably has a lot to do with the fact brain tumors are still pretty rare and people with them often don’t last long.
Portland has an annual walk as a fundraiser put on by the NBTS. We quickly mobilized a team “Team Food Baby” (it is an inside joke) and in a very short time became one of the top fundraising teams last year. This year our plan was to do even better.
Anyone who knows me can tell you I love good beer and food. Jessie and I attended almost every Beer Belly dinner The EastBurn had over the course of 5 years. Beer Belly Dinners are a multi course event where each course is paired with a beer from a brewery chosen for the event (great idea right?). After becoming “regulars” we became friends with the staff, owners, and chefs at the EastBurn. They are fantastic people, actively involved in their community, and with various charitable organizations. The Beer Belly dinners evolved over time and eventually became fundraisers for a charity chosen by the brewery. We thought maybe the EastBurn could do one for us so I contacted Mike and Josh at the EastBurn.
I was truly overwhelmed by their response. They felt a Beer Belly dinner was not enough and planned a whole fundraising month paired with my home town brewery No-Li. While I could ask you to donate to our team on the NTBS website (and thanks if you do), I think it would be much more fun to have a beer in honor of fighting brain cancer. The EastBurn has several events lined up kicking July off with a BBQ and a Corn Hole Tournament this Saturday July 1st from 3 to 6. Yah it is 4th of July weekend so for those of you staying close to town swing in, have some beer, BBQ and throw a bean bag around. Here is the best part:
EVERY Pint of No-Li beer sold in the month of July will send $1 to help fight brain tumors. Think of it as every No-Li beer you drink a researcher gets their grant. (that sounds better than a bell, angel, and wings)
Be sure to check the EastBurn events page throughout the month and SAVE THE DATE for the Clackamas River float on July 30th to close out the month.
I don’t think anyone with a horrible disease will ever be thankful for it but I have been truly blessed with an amazing outpouring of support and friendship over the past year. It is difficult to personally thank each one of you that has helped me in some way so just know I have appreciated every kind gesture sent my way.
If you want to get a beer and help stamp out brain cancer please let me know. I will be happy to join you at The EastBurn.
Thanks! Tom & Jessie