Jessie got me out on the bike tonight. We did a whopping 6’ish miles down to Summerlake park and back. Balance was good, turning my head side to side was good, looking back over my left shoulder, not good. I get a bit wobbly and can’t hold a straight line. Have to really concentrate to do that. Looking back over right was much better. The other issue that has me concerned is when it got a little bumpy – that gave me some visual issues. That is about it for the balance vision component. The physicality on the other hand, that is an issue!!
I think this week will be spent on the trainer because I don’t think I could climb to the top of Sandy right now and feel good once done. Just the little hills we did made my legs feel like lead and that was on my light road bike. Lugging my heavy mountain bike up a much steeper hill for 3 miles that is a whole other story. I am definitely weak and things just feel odd. I don’t think the muscles are ready for heavy use yet. LONG way to get for race shape in 3 and a half weeks. First race might just be a parade lap.
Fingers crossed when that last chemo pill is taken on Monday the body starts healing fast!!! I don’t have time to wait!!!
Hang in there – it will get better! You are very determined.