Scan results and round 3 of chemo

Tom had his scan earlier this week. The images were a little concerning for us but everyone is in agreement with their assessment that there is no definitive tumor regrowth. This morning we met with his oncologist who said everything appearing on his scan appears to be consistent with changes from his radiation which the timing is right-showing up 2-3 months after that treatment so the scan has been ruled stable. He’s feeling good other than a few minor headaches why may or may not be related to the same issue. He starts round three of chemo tonight and is committed to training for several races this year! We feel lucky and optimistic.

I would like to plan for casserole party but we are still recovering from the holidays, our trip and being sick for a few weeks so it may be a bit longer before we are ready to plan it.

Thanks always everyone for your support. Please keep some of our good friends in your thoughts and prayers, one is undergoing chemo for colon cancer right now and the other is having their own brain surgery next week for a newfound brain tumor. Sending so much love their way.