We’re at just over two years out. It seems like glioblastomas (GBMs) are everywhere now. From McCain to more recently a friend of a friend and a coworker’s mom. From us starting our story by searching for survivors, Tom’s story is now what other people need to hold onto hope when given this devastating diagnosis. We’re not in the clear, we never are with a GBM, but he’s beat the median and that’s something. Is it genetics? Diet? Attitude? Science doesn’t know yet. What we do know is we are here to support ANYONE going through this. I hope they know they can reach out to us for advice or just moral support. Please feel free to give our info out if you know someone going through this. A few people talked to us early on and while hard, was a help.
Also coming up-I really hope I can get Tom to post about his diet these days. Spoiler alert-it’s not keto-though we still find value in it for those in early treatment.