So what did we find out today??

Well the most interesting news was that it was never a different kind of tumor and eventually changed into what I have.  Due to the testing they did on it they think it has been a Glioblastoma all along.  Also they don’t think I have had it very long.  Possibly 3-4 months?

My tumor was considered a grade IV and that is due to the number of cells dividing under the microscope.

So that is the one bad strike, if it morphed from something else then it may be susceptible to treatment for that something else.

What he did say as far as advantages go:

  • It does have a MGMT hypermethylation and that makes it more susceptible to treatment.
  • My age is an advantage
  • The surgery went well and they got a significant portion of the tumor out. (they call that a gross total resection)
  • My KPS is good – that is a functional neurologic test that basically says I am a fully functioning adult.

All of that adds up to I should Tolerate treatment well.

As for treatment it will be like this:

  • 6 weeks radiation therapy: they will do another MRI to map out the exact location they will radiate.  Because the tumors have little tendrils of cells they cannot cut everything out.  Cells are always left behind.  The radiation blasts the tissue around where the tumor was to try and kill those cells.  The radiation is M-F for 6 weeks.  Every day I will have to go and have my brain blasted for about 15 minutes or so.
  • In addition to the radiation I get 6 weeks of chemo. It is a pill I need to take before the radiation to make the cells more susceptible to the radiation called Temodar or Temozolmide.  I take this 7 days a week.
  • After the 6 weeks I get a month off to recover.
  • After my month off they will scan again and that becomes my new base line.  I will continue to get scanned every 3 months after that.
  • After my month off I do chemo again where I take a high dose of Temodar for 5 days then have 23 days off.  I will continue on that cycle until they decide to take me off.  I could be years.

Now for the side effects:

  • All the typical ones…
  • Fatigue (everything causes fatigue) counter act with exercise.
  • Nausea (everything causes nausea) counter act with zofran (i.e anti nausea pills)
  • My blood will need to be monitored for a decrease in white blood cells, a decrease in platelets and any allergic reactions.
  • I have an increase risk of blood clots in my legs that can move to my lungs
  • Increased risk of seizures from the swelling due to radiation treatment.

I have very few real restrictions while on chemo/radiation.  Just have to watch out for infections.

This is the standard treatment for these types of tumors since 2005 with good results.  If this does not work (and often these things do grow back) they have additional options such as more surgery or some trials.  They don’t like to start anyone on trials as they want to make sure the standard treatments work before going onto something else that has not been established yet.

We are going to try the Ketogenic diet as we have read about it as being helpful but the Dr did not feel it would make much of a difference.  He felt a good “healthy” diet is what we need with lots of water and exercise.

That is our plan.  Jessie liked him (Dr Ambady – from the National Cancer Institute and Johns Hopkins) and she hates all my doctors.  He answered our questions quickly and never really stumbled on them.   So he appears to know what he is doing.  He was not a cheerleader but gave us no cause for concern.

Dr Neuwalt, the head of the department, was not there so we have not met him yet.  He has several trials going so we always have those to fall back on.

Week three update:

Well three weeks ago I had this lump cut out of my head. Friday was not the best of news as to what it was. The weekend was one of the worst two days I have ever had. But today I am feeling pretty good. Physically I feel great. Just a little lingering wobbliness from the vertigo episode. Really looking forward to that eventually going away. It has been nice these last two days to have activities to distract and keep me occupied. Jessie went into work and left me alone for a few hours yesterday and today. It is weird to be alone since I have had someone by my side almost continually since the operation. Yesterday I did a light workout on the bike trainer. Road for an hour and an easy pace while I watched the Ken Burns documentary Cancer, The Emperor of All Miladies. Today I decided to walk as my ass is a little sore from the bike seat. I figure I will alternate between the trainer and a fast walk. Went 2.5 miles and was out for 45 mins or so. After that I puttered in the yard a bit. It looks fantastic thinks to the help from my sister Dianna and Jessie’s Uncle Don and Aunt Bobbi doing so much work. While eating lunch I received a call from my case nurse at Cigna. Her background was working with Neruo Tumors. She was very positive and has really helped perk me up a bit. She also reiterated most of the information you see on the internet is very old 10+ years so it is hardly applicable anymore. Plus she said me being active is a huge boon to treatment and recovery. Just gotta keep that mentality going!. My scar is looking good. Jessie said 6 or 7 stitches have already dissolved. Since people have been asking and are curious I will post a picture.
Also, I have to give a shout out to Frank for putting me on to my Ugg Slippers. I love wearing slippers all day. When I go back to work I may have to ask if they can be added to the dress code. You just feel good wearing slippers all day. Plus I can go outside and not worry about them. Heck I forgot I had them on last Thursday and wore them to dinner.
And I want to reiterate what Jessie said before. All the visitors have been great. I feel so lucky to have such great friends and family.
Oncology visit is tomorrow – will update with new news once we have it – I am expecting GOOD news from now on. My plan is business as normal ASAP.
Scar HydrangiaOh and adding a picture of my favorite Hydrangea in the yard. I just looks so good right now.

Another update and we love the visitors

Do you know what’s incredible??? We have had a visitor everyday since we brought Tom home. Thank you all so much! You have no idea how much it means to us just to have visitors each day. And we LOVE when you bring your kids and pets. The biggest blessing out of this has really been getting to spend so much time with friends and loved ones. Let’s keep it going! I don’t think we have anyone scheduled for this coming Sunday going forward. No need to bring anything except your lovely selves! And since Tom is doing so great, we can definitely come to you!!!
Oncologist is this Wednesday and after discussing with him, we are likely going to go on the Ketogenic diet after this weekend at least for 28 days .It has shown to have good results with those doing chemo and radiation, particularly with brain tumors. It is pretty similar to what we eat already BUT no sugar. So we are going alcohol free after this weekend (Tom is pretty much already there). So maybe hold off on gifts of alcohol until we are drinking celebration beverages when he beats this. This is also why I cut off meal train after this week, but if I feel overwhelmed I will definitely ask! Cooking is one of the ways that Tom and I connect, so we are looking forward to getting back in the kitchen to try some new recipes. Here’s some of the books we are trying out:

The Ketogenic cookbook by Jimmy Moore and Maria Emmerich
Keto in 28 by Michelle Hogan.
If you do want to bring Tom snacks- nitrate free jerky would be a great choice!
Also huge thanks to everyone who has joined Team Food Baby and/or donated. Don’t forget to ask your employer to make a matching donation! We have already raised$1050!!!!!
I’ll be setting up a separate FB group for the walking team so we can plan a kick-off bbq with Juno screening thanks to Katy Moyes’s great idea for team to dress like characters from the movie and maybe plan a fundraiser. I’ll try to get that group together in a day or two. Here’s the link again:

Now we fight!

Yesterday was a serious blow to our morale when we received the diagnosis of grade IV glioblastoma.  The surgeon repeated what he said after the surgery-they got all of it -which actually means 95% or better. It is impossible to get it all, so now we meet with the oncologist and radiologist next week to determine the chemo and radiation he will undergo. Personally whatever # the oncologist gives us next week I don’t really care because we will beat it.

Yesterday was tough but the pity party is over.  Last year when I was going through a tough time someone told me, “You are strong.” It became my mantra and helped get me through one of the toughest years of my life to date. Yesterday I shared that mantra with Tom. He is strong, even stronger than I am. WE-everyone reading this now is strong and we will get through this. Tom comes from a line of some of the most stubborn people I have ever encountered (love you Birds!!!). He is going to fight and we need you to fight with us.

Here’s the part where I get selfish-I want this incredible man to live a long life with me. On August 7, 2016 we are participating in the Portland Brain Tumor walk. We would like you to join Team Food baby or consider making a donation. Here’s the link to join.

I spent the morning researching this group and they appear to be legit and use their funds well. Feel free to donate to Knight Cancer institute or any other cause near to your heart. Today is a day where we can start making a difference!

And now for the Debbie Downer news….

We had our two week follow-up with the Neuro Doctor.  While he is very pleased with my progress from the surgery the results from the tumor are not good.  They have classified it something much worse than we originally thought.  What really sucks is to have everything going so well we were positive the news today would be better than we expected.  Now that they are worse it is like a punch in the gut.  There is nothing positive about this thing they pulled from my head other than it was removed before it was causing me any serious issues.  That is the only good news so far.  The treatment will be the same as what they originally thought it was so Radiation and Chemo here I come.

The one good thing is I can start some light exercise so get on my trainer.  I am still not supposed to lift anything greater than 15 lbs but at least I can get my heart rate up.  He said in 4 more weeks I should be able to do normal activity and all the stitches should be dissolved by then.

Everyone has been so great so far with both Jessie and I thought this and we really appreciate it.  Going forward we will really need that love and support even more.  We have a tough road ahead.  The plan is to become the outlier and prove all the statistics wrong.  My goal is to look at this 20 years from now and say what was the big deal….

Oh and the Meal Train is AWESOME!

First the food has been great.  One less thing for us to stress (well Jessie really) about.  She is the one that needs our support.  I just get to lay around and heal and read and eat and read and heal some more.

While the food has been fantastic, seeing everyone each night is something I really look forward to.  It is very positive and uplifting as we go through this.

Probably starting chemo and radiation next week – we see oncologist Wednesday.

Time to research all those cancer fighting foods!!!

Humbled by this experience

Every day I am amazed at the generosity of my friends and family.  I have no idea how I would have gotten through this without such awesome support.  I got my call today regarding my oncology visit.  Unfortunately the girl was just a scheduler and could not tell me anything.  I am scheduled with the head of the department so he should be well versed in treating and should be up on the latest and greatest treatments.  Dr Edward A. Neuwelt

My followup with the surgery group is next Friday.  Not sure what they are planning to discuss.

Tomorrow I will have been home a week. I have been so lucky to have my big sister Dianna here to help out.  I would have been going crazy just sitting around.  Not sure how I am going to last the next couple of weeks.  My ass is tired of sitting down.  You can only read so much.  Glad the pain meds are dwindling.

I cannot wait to go to the gym.  The hardest thing is to try and stay somewhat healthy when you cannot lift or pull/push anything greater than 15 lbs.  And all the amazing food everyone is bringing does not make it easy to keep the weight down.

And thanks everyone the food has been a fantastic gift and has been so good.  I look forward to the visits every day.

Physically I feel like I can go get on my bike or go for a hike but every once in a while a cough or bending over reminds me that some serious work was done not too long ago.

Goings on at our house…

Miyazaki film festival for Dianna with our nightly ritual of Tillamookies.  So far we have worked through:

My Neighbor Totoro


Kiki’s Delivery Service

Howl’s Moving Castle

Princess Mononoke (in progress)

We’ve also experimented with some outings for Tom with mostly good results-short errands-walk at the park and two outings to the nursery to pick out plants (thanks to Shirley!!!). Also thanks to Dianna for planting most of them already. 

Dianna has been indulging Tom in getting many of his wish list items-the other day she built his worm/compost bin and much to my chagrin, today 2000 red wigglers showed up to take residence in our garage. Can you feel my enthusiasm? :/

Another big thanks to the Meal train. You are all such incredible cooks! I am so thankful Tom is not stuck with my crummy cooking during this and it freed us up to focus on him since we don’t have to shop or cook and clean-uo is minimal. The visits really lift spirits too. We are super grateful for all of you!!!